Friday, March 14, 2014

This Boy

Oh, this boy.  I love him so much. 

I have been writing a post in my head for awhile now all about this lovable amazing little boy, and it's time that I finally sit down and write it.   Hopefully I can express at least a portion of my many thoughts.

Often it still hits me just how blessed and lucky I am to be his mom.  The other day we were playing outside with a bunch of neighborhood kids.  When it was time to go in for dinner, I called Blake's name, and a cute little kindergartener in the neighborhood looked at me in surprise.  "That's your baby?" she questioned.  Smiling, I told her that yes, indeed, that was my baby.  And then my heart overflowed.  I feel so blessed to be able to look at this precocious, energetic little boy and call him mine.  After so many years of wanting and praying, I still find it miraculous that I have a baby!  And I never, ever forget for a minute that he was someone else's baby first.  That he is so loved by his birth parents, and that my dream came true only because of their love for Blake as well.

It truly is a privilege to be his mom.

Here is a little glimpse of two-year-old Blake.

He loves his yellow plastic baseball bat.  For three weeks, it went everywhere with us.  Blake would climb the playground and go down the slide with it in his hand, he slept with it tucked in next to him, and it rode in the car with us (though mean mommy wouldn't let him take it to church or into the store.)  And then one day, Blake found this racquetball racket in the garage, and it became the new bat. He also loves his nerf gun. He is such a boy.    ;)

He loves toy cars, and we can happily spend 20 minutes together following each other around and driving our cars on every available surface while making vroooooming noises.

Blake loves to run and have me chase him.  Which is fun at home.  And a nightmare at the grocery store or in parking lots.  Ugh, sometimes I understand why some parents use leashes.  Ha ha, just kidding!  Mostly.  ;)

Blake gives the best hugs and kisses when he wants to, and is really affectionate.  He loves tickles.

Blake loves watching Sesame Street and Kung Fu Panda. Really, he'll watch anything on TV, and will freeze, mesmerized, while it is on.  He loves TV so much that we have to try to really limit the amount of TV time he gets. 

Blake is a social little personality, and he loves to play with his cousins and friends.

Blake has decided in the last month that he hates to go to bed.  He used to go down for a nap or bedtime happily, but lately it is emotionally exhausting to put him down because he screams and fights.  It's kind of heartbreaking, and several days I skipped the naps altogether.  But then he was so tired by 5 p.m. that I realized he really does still need them.  Sometimes it's hard to do what you know is best for your kids rather than what is easiest.  But the last two days he has napped better so I am hopeful that this phase is already passing.

Blake loves books, and will sit and read with me for quite awhile if we choose the right ones. :)

Blake loves the library, but not for the reasons I want him to - ha ha!  He loves the drinking fountain he can access with the built in steps and he loves the computers that are low enough for him to reach.  And he loves the space to run around.  Forget sitting down and reading together at the library - we have to take the books home to do that.  And though I try to take him to story hour whenever possible, it's really hard to get him to stay and listen and participate.  I hope it's helping him practice those skills and that it is worth the effort!

Blake loves when daddy comes home from work each day.  "Daddy" is one of the clearest words he speaks, and he'll shout it over and over while running to Gerald as fast as he can!  He loves to call daddy on the phone during the day and just loves to be daddy's little sidekick.  :)
Blake has become a really picky eater; a phase I certainly hope he'll grow out of soon!  He doesn't eat meat of any kind or anything that looks new or different.  He loves to eat strawberries, yogurt, apples, pasta, bread, string cheese, crackers, and all "cheats" (treats).
 He loves riding in the 'car' shopping carts at the store, and pretending to drive our real car when it's parked in the driveway.

Blake loves music and he loves to sing.  One of things that makes my heart happiest is that he is often singing to himself.  Twinkle Twinkle is his most common tune.  And during family night, singing time is definitely his favorite part!  He loves to bounce around the room to Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam.

Blake is learning to talk.  At two and a half, he has been talking for what seems like forever, but we couldn't understand him.  We thought he was just babbling baby talk, but it turns out he probably really has a good vocabulary, we just can't understand him.  As he grew older and he still wasn't saying many recognizable words, we were a little worried.  But it wasn't until he began getting so frustrated with his inability to communicate that I knew we needed to take some action.  One day I asked him if he wanted yogurt for breakfast. I thought he responded positively, but when I placed the bowl of yogurt in front of him he got so mad, and threw it at me.  He was trying to tell me what he wanted, and couldn't.  It must be extremely frustrating, and that was the day I knew something had to change.  So we began meeting with a speech therapist recommended by our pediatrician.  We love Charmain.  She shows up to our house with a bag full of toys, and Blake gets so excited to see her and discover what she brought today.  We have learned that Blake cannot physically make certain sounds yet, such as b, p, and some vowels. He also has trouble saying the ending consonant of most words. But Charmain is working wonders.  She is training us how to help Blake, and training Blake to use those face muscles, and he gets better everyday!  It is so exciting to hear him saying new, recognizable words all the time.  He still has a long way to go, and other people still can't understand him sometimes, but we are understanding him better all the time and the progress is wonderful.  Blake is soooo happy when he says something and we understand him. I am glad that we have caught this early and can give him the help he needs now so that as he grows older and is making friendships and starting school it will be less of a problem.

Blake loves his snowboots.  We haven't had real snow on the ground for some time now, as it has been a super mild month this year.  But he gets so mad when I try to put his tennis shoes on.  He always wants his snowboots!  I think it is because he can put them on and take them off himself, and he loves having that control.  It's cute, and so far I don't really have the heart to take the boots away.  So if you see him wearing snow boots in July this year, you'll know why! Ha!

Blake hates getting his fingernails or toenails clipped or his hair cut.  He also hates holes in his socks.  If his socks have even the tiniest little hole, he will not wear them.

Blake loves to be outside, and put on his boots and get his coat several times a day to communicate to me that he is ready to go out!  :)   He'll pull on my hand and say "ow, ow" which is his way of saying "out." 

This boy has really captured my heart and caused it to grow in new and amazing ways.  I truly can't imagine life or our family without his silly, feisty, energetic, happy personality.  There is no doubt that I am a better person because he is in my life.

I love you, my boy, more than words can express.

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