Thursday, March 12, 2015

I Don't Want to Forget This

Oh, my blog, how I've missed you! Last autumn two things happened that made me fall off the blogging wagon. First, I received a busy new church calling. I love love love my calling as primary president, but goodness it has been busy. Second, I dropped and broke my camera. Nooo!!  How can I blog without a camera?  Ugh, no fun. Luckily, I have an iPad with a decent camera that has sufficed in the meantime. The longer I went without blogging, the harder it was to start again.

Until this past week when I looked at this little boy and realized that he is changing before my eyes.

 I thought about all the new and wonderful things he is doing lately! The cute new words he is saying and how much he is talking. I thought about the way he bursts into random made-up songs in the car, and how his imagination has recently taken off. He is often talking to a new imaginary friend (usually a dinosaur or pirate) or pretending he is Captain Hook or fighting off the invisible monster in the corner. And I thought about how my heart about bursts every time he lets me hold his sweet little hand. And he gives the best kisses. I thought about how he loves to be read to or look at books while lying on his belly with his feet in the air, about how much he loves Mario ("Mawio") and about how he screams with excitement when dad comes home at night. 

And I thought:
I don't want to ever forget this!

And I looked at this gorgeous young woman and about had a heart attack realizing how quickly she is growing up.
And I thought about how articulate and smart and grown-up she is getting. About how much she works to be a better person everyday. I thought about the tender, thoughtful prayers she gives, and about how she is the most loyal and compassionate friend in the world. I thought how the sound of her cute giggles makes me smile every time. I thought about how she still loves mermaids, and My Little Pony, and rollerskating and playing Mario, but she is also right on the cusp where everything is changing. She is growing up, and I am so proud and also terrified. She is gorgeous, inside and out. 

And I thought:
 I don't want to ever forget this!

So, I am going to do better and get back into blogging. It may take me a while to catch up, but it will be worth it. I love these two kids so much it takes my breath away to think about, and someday they will be gone. So, for now, I will do my best to record these times, these moments, so I won't forget.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love when bloggy friends come back to the blogging world. and I bet you are an awesome primary president, how fun!
