Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 2013 - Delightful!

I love this time of year.
Look at these gorgeous fall colors!
Utah in Autumn is truly delightful.
The Thanksgiving Point Gardens are gorgeous, even in Autumn.

I made this jean quilt for my newest soon-to-be sweet niece.
Blake practiced his coloring skills.
Apparently, he still needs more practice with staying on the paper and off his body.  :)  Ha ha!
But this boy loves his books!
We raced cars down the stairs.
The kids voted to paint pumpkins instead of carving them this year.
We let Blake 'paint' his with water.
Good thing we went with plain water and a new paintbrush, since he mostly wanted to eat the brush!

Katelee was Rapunzel for Halloween.
We made the wig ourselves.  She was so beautiful!

 Blake had the choice to be Elmo or a cowboy.  But whenever we put either costume on him to try it out, he HATED it!  These were the best pictures I got of him in his Elmo costume.
The school had a very fun Halloween Carnival the week of Halloween. 
The kids had so much fun playing games, getting balloon animals, eating treats, having their faces painted, and more!
Halloween turned out to be a very fun day!
We had ghosty pancakes for breakfast - aaaaack!
As Katelee's room mom, I planned a Halloween party for her school class.  It was a ton of fun!!  Here is a picture of Katelee with her cute teacher, Ms. Johnson.
And Katelee's school always does a fun costume parade, as seen below.
For dinner we had jack-o-lantern hamburgers, witches' fingers, and eyeballs - yum!
And then for trick-or-treating! This was Blake's first year of real trick-or-treating, and he LOVED it!  He was so excited to be outside running around and getting candy that he forgot about his costume for a little while and allowed it to stay on.  :) 
Katelee went trick-or-treating for quite a long way and got a good haul this year.  

What a fun month!

1 comment:

  1. I just got rid of several pairs of jeans and I thought of you. Probably should have saved them for you. Next time! I love the fabric you chose for the back.
