Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 2013 - Blessed

This month has been a month of blessings.  Truly, the Lord has overwhelmed us with gratitude for all we have been so blessed to receive.

First of all, we are so blessed with a wonderful extended family!
We had a family reunion with the Reynolds this year for the 4th of July, and it was such a party!

We were sadly missing Jennifer and Zachary, but George flew out to join us.  And of course, mom and dad are on their mission in London.  But the rest of us gathered in Utah for a couple of days of fun!  

We went to the Provo Fourth of July Parade:

Met back at our house for a delicious BBQ, including this patriotic fruit pizza for dessert.

We went swimming and played games all afternoon, and then went to the Pleasant Grove fireworks.  We had a lot of fun waiting for the fireworks to start!

Here is Blake, surrounded by his admirers:

Balancing glow sticks on the baby is a fun game - ha ha!
Blake adores Nathan.
That's one bright smile!
The next day we gathered for breakfast,
Minute to Win It competitions:
glow-in-the-dark dodgeball, a yummy lunch, movies, and much more fun!
Did I mention that Blake adores Nathan?
What a wonderful Fourth of July weekend!

In other news, this little guy just gets cuter and cuter every month!  :)
He is such a blessing to our family!

And what would we do without this incredible little girl in our lives?  What a blessing she is as well!

With summer here, we try to spend lots of time in the nearby mountains as a family.  We feel blessed to live in such a beautiful place.  And, of course, enjoying s'mores is a must.

Hiking and climbing rocks is always an adventure!

We found this basketball hoop at a garage sale for a quarter.  Score!

We are also sooo blessed to have the Rowe and Anderson family part of our life through the blessing of adoption.  We went on a camping trip in Island Park this year with their family.  As always, it was such a wonderful, amazing time!  We floated the river, explored, and had tons of fun just hanging out.  I sadly forgot my camera, but Gretchen took some pics for me and hopefully I'll post them soon.

We did have a 'camp-out' in the living room one night as well - ha ha, so fun!

Finally, Gerald received two job offers this month and he started a new job with a great architecture firm in Salt Lake City.  This job is a real answer to prayers; we feel strongly that Heavenly Father guided us to this new job and, as I have mentioned, we are feeling very blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys had a great summer. I'm so happy for you that Gerald got a new job! That's awesome! Jonny says it is so so funny that you camped in your living room. I may have to try that one of these nights.
